Zoiglhaus Brewery

Brand extension
Package design

Zoiglhaus is an award-winning brewery offering authentic German beer and communal beer culture in Southeast Portland.

In 2015, they opened a 7500 square-foot brewpub and hired me to flex their existing brand and extend the look to their marketing efforts, flyers and social media blasts.

A loyal fan base and contracts to sell bottled Zoiglhaus beers in Portland-area stores soon followed. I was once again tapped to take their brand to the next level in Oregon’s competitive craft beer market. 

My approach took two visual elements that are ubiquitous at the brewery– the Z-star and an antique engraving of a convivial band of merry drinkers– and incorporated them with some subtle textures and nuanced design elements. The color palette and typography can be extended and modified as Zoiglhaus adds different beer varieties to their line-up.

The end result is a bottle that has a big impact on the store shelves, whether you are already a big Zoiglhaus fan (like I am) or just a German beer lover looking for your next favorite brew.


The Portland Montessori School


Flummox and Friends