PINTS Brewery

Brand extension
Marketing design
Package design

PINTS is an award-winning craft brewery housed in a historic brick building in Old Town, Portland, Oregon. It prides itself on its traditionally-brewed beer and a convivial atmosphere.

After a re-branding by a top-shelf agency in town, the owners tapped me to extend their shiny new brand and bring new life to their marketing efforts. I designed signage and banners, flyers and social media blasts to keep their customers in the know about what’s brewing at their favorite gasthaus.

In 2018, PINTS started canning ‘“Awesome Sauce”, a customer favorite. I had recently designed cans for Zoiglhaus Brewery (in Lents, Portland) and Ponderosa Craft Brewers (in Albuquerque, NM) and had come to enjoy the challenges of printing dry offset on aluminum. PINTS needed a can design that was simple and unembellished— something that could be easily modified with different beer names as they expand their offerings to thirsty fans on the go.




Knowledge Universe